Well to be fair, I think the second half of this game was the frst time we have seen Crowtons offense in quite some time. Looks like Les let him...
Used trickery when needed, threw the ball down field, and ran effectively. Cant really complain about the offense. All it took was a game plan...
I guess it depends on what you are calling "top programs" Which in itsself has changed drastically over the last 15 years
This is not the 70's and 80's. Coaches just do not stay anywhere very long due to the money. Schools are always looking for an upgrade.
Well, i don't think we've ever seen classic Crowton at LSU. But I won't argue he didn't help put it in the playbook. Miles on the otherhand,...
You think that call goes to Crowton? C'mon Man
JJ. If not for him we are not even in the game.
Really???? When Saban was here it was every day. He always had a team looking to hire him, hell usually two or three. Even Pete USC...
Go rewatch it. It's obvious. Only reason more are not pointing it out is because everyone has become so numb to our coaching errors that...
All year we been a pressure defense causing havac in the backfield. We never even tried to get there today. Played way back off the ball and...
Wrong Guy
The thing is, the only reason a Top QB would come here is in a situation like that. No top passer will ever come here when he knows we are a...
Yes we kick a guy off the team who has been here for two years to make room for a guy with a 75% chance of signing a pro baseball contract....
Guys, that was all planned. it was ****ty acting too. Thats why TT stopped right at the sideline and lined up. They were trying to catch the...
Well we were set at QB, so we didnt need him there.:rolleye33::rolleye33::rolleye33:
Hell I was creamin my pants over him. That dude is unfreakingbelievable.
Yeah, I called it pretty much to a knats ass.
Yep, was told he would make a great DB.
No, but he didnt punt when he should have. And instead of calling a real play once he committed to going for it, he tried a stupid trick play...
I think a lot of the hatred comes from the fact nobody with any real football knowledge can figure out how we ever win a game with Miles as our...