I don't really understand why this is news now. This bill was in the senate last year. Bill would give president emergency control of Internet...
He was definitely more patient than I would have been. I would have tazed both of them.
Sadly she'll probably win effortlessly too. I'm actually amazed Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton haven't jumped in and made this a racist thing yet.
Man that was a clean shot. That's good for her. I bet she won't stick her face in someone else's police business any more.
Re: United States Vs England-World Cup 1:30pm CST That is kinda how I looked at it...but then I watched the 2nd half of the game yesterday and...
They could just dump a bucket of beta fish in there for every game. That alone would be worth the price of a ticket. They could even auction off...
Re: United States Vs England-World Cup 1:30pm CST Pretty sure it's 2:30 Eastern, 1:30 Central.
Find me a link to buy tickets. I want a Super Bowl ring.
So we're only allowed to be concerned if another Great Depression happens...or we at least begin to "approach" it. Awesome.
Sounds like a bad idea regardless of who is doing it.
There is a place on Airline near the Jefferson/Siegen intersection area that I just noticed open. I'm either not very observant and it's been...
Holy crap.
I don't expect corporations to have any balls any more. I'm almost to the same point with people in general. If there is money involved, people...
Re: Oil Rig explosion/Gulf Oil Spill I decided to test out the top kill procedure on a smaller scale today at work. I coulda swore there was...
Condensed milk, ice cream or size upgrade would be super.
Every time you post something like this, I get closer and closer to convincing myself that we have to be related somehow.
I live pretty close to you guys. If you have clear strawberry I'll come check it out. There is a place I used to go when I lived back home in...
I didn't really read anything in this thread except the story of how the dude got the MoH. That dude is a beast. I'd hate to be the person to...
I wanna say it was like $12.something when we went. My first thought was of King Buffet and Great Wall. Golden Corral wouldn't have been a bad...
Fine. I'm stupid and you're ignorant. Can we stop being 12 yet?