"Simmons, who likes to ride his hands-free self-balancing scooter to class." This is a bad idea
The brought heat
a duck
Punt it out of bounds inside the 15
Let HArris run
FLA can still get the ball back
That would have been a 1st
There is no difference between 3:48 or 3:10. LSU was going for the win by passing
2 hands on the ball time--no need for stiff arms
Run that middle screen to Fournette
Fournette 98 yard run coming up
Harris is pretty good
HArris was trying to hit the RB on the Flag route but LSU covered it this time
They have to keep Harris in the pocket
The Mad Hatter strikes again
Tolliver has to make that tackle
gotta play zone
Hold them to 3
luvin it