I was at the Sugar Bowl on New Years Day 1987 when they "brought the wood." Totally humiliating...
Wow - Oregon fumbles on the 2 yd line... Who wants to see them play Bama? NOBODY! Go Cardinals and GEAUX Tigers!
Nailed it.... @RossDellenger: Former #LSU QB. RT @PackerNews: Matt Flynn expected to work out for Green Bay Packers - http://t.co/GzhmLTOJky...
Honestly I have seen two of those 3rd downs with 11 defensive men on the LINE OF SCRIMMAGE. Yet somehow Standford gets thru for 1-2 yard...
That game is a blowout. Baylors gonna win by 40+. Tune in to the real game tonight: Oregon - 0 Stanford - 14
Man - Stanford is 5/6 on 3rd downs. Keeping Mariota off the field...
Wow huge sack on Mariota. It's early but the Cardinals have all the Mojo right now...
Stanford draws first blood with a 96-yd drive. 7-0 1st quarter.
Rare punt for the Ducks on their opening drive...
How about this one? 21. Jimbo Fisher, Florida State $2,750,000 Whoever represents Jimbo should be starting the "Jimbo to _________ rumors....
Hilarious... @HollyAnderson: The more I hear about this being the most lackluster Bama-LSU matchup in years (which, high bar, but) the more I...
In honor of Leslies birthday this Sunday... http://ftw.usatoday.com/2013/11/les-miles-lsu-tigers-birthday-cake/?source=twshare
Is Little Nicky really just a closet masochist? January (after the 3rd Crystal) Nick: What's Texas offering now, Jimmy? Jimmy $exton: 10 years...
I'm going with a home team upset: Oregon 24 Stanford 28
Sounds like the Sooners are beginning to prepare for the worst: @RabalaisAdv: #LSU announces 2018-19 home-and-home with #Oklahoma is being...
@CollegeGameDay #Oregon hasn't scored fewer than 35 points in 10 straight games. #Stanford hasn't allowed more than 30 points in its last 17 games.
Bleacher Report hype video: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1837356-the-hype-alabama-vs-lsu-the-next-chapter Best moment is 1:25.... Let's...
I think what he meant was: All non Tebow (before and after) and only his SEC opponents. I don't really have time to research that but I found...
Good thread. Check this perspective out: On the way home I'm hearing all this "fire Will Muschamp" bitchin' that's all over the radio around jax...
I understand where everyone is coming from but keep in mind I started this thread after the terrifically uninspired OLE MISS loss. It's obvious...