Wasn't Quincy Carter the name of a Georgia QB who played one great game in his college career? Naturally against us.
You should be horse whipped for putting that image in my mind
Make sure you wear 2 or even 3 masks
Other countries would do it to us whether we did it to them or not.
Kumbaya brother
I don't call a riot an insurrection no matter who is president
A beer bottle is just a container for holding beer unless you hit somebody with it. Then it becomes a weapon. A rifle is just a toolbox engaging...
What if your house catches on fire and you run out into your yard. How are you going to ca) the fire department?
Just tell him to ask his granddaughter/tech support
He is right, you know. You and Kiki have the same affliction
That's really stretching it. Why don't you just say you hate him so much you will believe any lie about him you hear?
If I tell you to go to the store and buy a case of beer how is it my fault if you steal it instead of paying for it?
This year the bottle let me down
How old is it? Matt Moscona would know. He is always talking about the expensive whiskey he drinks
They have to make sure they put them in bad parts of town. I have never seen an MLK Street or a Washington Street in a good neighborhood.
What is it?
By then they will have made their money and gotten out
Somebody on TV last night said they should just name all the schools after Jesus.
Your use of the word insurrection shows you have been brainwashed by the leftist rhetoric you read in WAPO and watch on CNN. It was NOT an...
Bill Gates owns Bing