He's so neat, he's so cool Walks across your swimming pool
Kiki's first Christmas was the first Christmas
If you buy that one I can get you a great deal on some worthless swamp land. Even if he didn't sign in December Oeaux and the coaching staff are...
https://twitter.com/zydegeaux/status/1356911109236752384?s=19 The real Wolf of Wall Street
Jordan Belfort, the real Wolf of Wall Street, parodies the film version of himself [MEDIA]
Is your social security number a single digit?
You would criticize God if he was our coach
How can he take the Packers DC job when Payton wouldn't let him take the LSU job?
You have the dong of a rat. You no make ho smile.
Golf needs a few bad boys. Somebody like John McEnroe. Throw a club. Break one. Argue with the officials. As it is now all the players are...
I use coinbase for the little bit of crypto I have but if I were to invest larger amounts I would want an exchange that didn't report profits to...
I get notifications from the Score all dayong
A certified pipeline welder can make as much as $300k a year. There are more certified heart surgeons than there are certified pipeline welders....
All the idiots who didn't like Biden but voted for him because they hate Trump are getting what they deserve. Unfortunately, so are the rest of us
Let's say a stock is selling for $100. Hedge fund managers borrow shares of the stock and a date is set for them to pay it back. They go on tv...
Do you like anybody?
I like cows too. Cooked medium rare
Don't you think it's time for an intervention? Just think of the stretch marks
And of non specific gender
Watch lots of porn.