What happens to Hester and Hanny?
Is Jerry Springer still on? I'd rather see some trailer trash fights. Low Monday for Baton Rouge predicted to be 16
The portal door swings both ways. What would 2019 have looked like without Joe Burrow?
It could be done with a numbering system where nobody knows who voted for who.
Do you have something against verifying that each ballot was cast by a legitimate voter?
Mahomes dad is black and his mom is white
I want to join Qanon but I don't have time what with all the Ku Klux Klan and neo Nazi meetings. Gotta run. It's time for the 10 AM cross burning
And yet you have selected the realty that you accept. Do you still play with Hobbes or did you trade him in for a blowup of Kamala Harris on her...
We don't need any more woke warriors. Forget about that shit and just play football. Either that or he can spend his future Sundays talking...
He couldn't get crawfish or a good bowl of gumbo
When Trump is acquitted there will be no need to take it to the Supreme Court. Don't put it past the Dems to waste more time and money by doing...
Hitler actually did approve "the final solution to the Jewish problem." You just wanted to compare Trump to Hitler.
No more Aunt Jemima. Hallelujah! Racism is dead. Now it's time to do something about Uncle Ben. Imagine! A black man as the symbol for...
I can understand how you might not like Donald Trump. After all he has been the target of nonstop misinformation by the media, big tech and...
Let's not forget that John Kerry said all of those pipeline workers who lost good, high paying jobs could just learn how to make solar panels....
So you are ok with putting thousands of people out of work and opening the floodgate for illegal aliens without even checking their criminal...
And now you've got your wish. How do you like the actions of self appointed King Joe Biden sio far? In just 2 weeks he has destroyed much of...
The analogy as I said it is valid
I Every football coach who ever lived has to his team to go out and fight. That doesn't mean he is urging them to injure their opponents or burn...