Hey Dude. It's been held at the LSU track before. Let's keep us in the rotation
Call the TV weatherman. There's a 50% chance e he may be right.
Much, much better song than the first 2. This one doesn't put me to sleep
No but he frequently changes his goats.
Tiga lives in Bunkie. That would make him a Yankee.
My mother bought s jar one time for whatever reason It stayed in the cabinet unused for years and years
The French Quarter is a tourist trap but outside of that there are a lot of real people in the NOLA area.
This is how cold it is in Texas https://twitter.com/ThomasBlackGG/status/1361477444746813440?s=19
That explains it. A yankee
And poboys. I met s business associate from Michigan in New Orleans one time. The first thing he wanted to do was get a poboy
Probably some kid from Chicago
The fact is that it's true that the perception of Louisiana for people outside the state has everything to do with south of I 10. Nobody from up...
10 year old drummer covers Keith Moon in My Generation [MEDIA]
The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper
Texas has huge deposits of natural gas.
At different occasions anywhere between none to too many to keep track of. Did you have any trouble understanding Steve the crocodile guy?
I wasn't counting but I knew that didn't mean they considered me their spouse.
I was never any good at the rope climb or pullups but I could do a lot of pushups and situps
I have talked to Australians and we understood each other. Couldn't do that with non English speakers
Low humidity makes big difference.