Check out my post in the ticket thread.....need to do so quickly.
Count on it, if he is from Bama, or has any relatives there.
:confused: Is this respect for the high powered offence of TAM or disresect for LSU's offence?
my bad. But p/g will be a lot harder to wash off of their uniforms than red/blue.....
My Rebs should have beat them. Their freshman qb is tough, but he has never faced a tiger stadium crowd.
Like he has no questions to answer now?
I'm sure I will catch flack from this, here goes....From what I remember, he came on a recruiting trip...loved it....he and his parents came back,...
I have been through everything from the Pepsodent Paul years, the Hallman years, and the Dinardo years. LSU has moved from the "please sign with...
I have no trouble pulling for him if he is wearing purple and gold. Or didn't ya'll know that by now. And what kind of fools would send a death...
No problem.....the word I get, is that he is all urine...I mean yours.
Lee is no dumb ass..wants to coach one day..Probably his higher goals than high school. He knows better than to burn bridges.
Seldom do I rember a Tiger team that really did not appear to give a chit.
I don't think so...COTiger is more man than that!! If his football ability was as good as his heart, you would know him well.
What are the words to that old country song? Something like I'm as good once as I used to be...implying fighting and sex. Well, I'm too old to...
Damn....with that logic, my Rebs should be TEN times better next year than they were this year...I can hardly wait....:wave:
I lived in BR for about ten years and never missed a game. I loved to get there early, tailgate, and walk around to the visiting teams dressing...
Sorry, but I lost quite a bit of respect for Miles...sure, he knows football better than I do. His game preparations, when given time for extra...
Check it out...bite into it!!!!!:champs:
I totally agree. If this #1 qb prospect was somehow unaware of how Lee was treated after all he done....I assure you that the recruiters for the...