In a way, this benefits LSU. Only an SEC team beats another SEC team. OM has less talent than most SEC teams. A lot less depth. Yet, they...
I'm sure you will be missed....
I'm sure the people who take count on how many people watch certain games will miss you.
most folks don't know that Wallace is trying to play through a pretty severe shoulder injury. Maybe he just could not go. I don't know....
Ya'll are not the only ones complaining about calls....just thought I would mention that.
I agree....I think ND is not worthy of this, but the media loves them. Their fan base travels extremely well. Every bowl wants...
Watch yo mouth........j/k damn well respect them and I guess love them too.....are you not a teacher in Plano? By any chance, do you know an...
been here a l-o-n-g time
Dude......I admire your faith, but I do not think the so called "voters" will EVER allow another two SEC team NCS game....especially LSU/BAMA....
the Fla. game is the one I can't understand.
guess that should be congrat not congrad..duh.. I don't much believe that will happen. I think they left it all out there last night. Maybe.....
About all I have to say for now.....gotta cool down...:)
We are trying to get a last minute game with USM, but that might not be such a good idea...........:)
All LSU fans know there is a train track close to TS. OM and LSU were playing. It was the first half. The train blew it's whistle as it passed. OM...
Are you guys trying to tell me that OM is "not" going to win the National Championship? thing you know, you will be saying that...
How do you get a LSU cheerleader into your dorm room? Walk across campus with a bucket of cow feed, place the bucket in the dorm room, grease the...
why does LSU keep natural grass? So the cheerleaders can graze.
:( I think so.......
Is there a black bear "hunting" season in Mississippi? Other than twelve sats. in the football season.
Happened before.........upsets have too...:D