face value $70
I posted almost an hour ago. Only 7 views. Must have done something wrong. PM me or call 601-684-2853. Must be willing pick up. Might meet...
MY MY....................Guess who my second favorite team is!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LSU...LSU...LSU........Being a hard core reb, that's tough to admit.
DAMN..........NEVER KNEW "SHIT" WAS COOL..........maybe after it had time to cool down?
After something like 66-31 last year, it seems kind of weird to be considered even close.
About 25 hrs left..........before Ole Miss and Texas.........any of you think OM has much chance? I know this is a LSU forum, but please,...
Was a good game....Threadwell is gonna be good, but 87, Matthews, for Vandy is awesome. They had to double and triple team our number 5. Should...
I don't want him to have anything to do with OM....You can have his arrorgant butt.
Just wishing the FIGHTING TIGERS OF LSU a great season....with only one loss.........Real wishes to my friends. YOU CAN DO IT.................
He is not going pro.....he is entering the priesthood....
We had the "SWAG" when we walked off the field at TS. You won on the scoreboard, but you MORE THAN KNEW, you had been embarrassed by a "less...
You find better than that at every sor. house at LSU...............
Is that the same as "weeping willows?" :)
Heard on radio today that NI was going to give free tickets to any of their students that would make the trip to s. fla. Just saying....
How embarrassing would it be if Fla State lost???????????? Please, no.......
My best friend once had a registered lab named (on the papers) FYJIMO...........They called him "Fyji." as in "fu gee"........it stood for F.......
I think I would rather spell DWAGS..................CAN'T BELIEVE YOU BROUGHT "THAT" UP...................
He did not teach the honeybadger....Miles is a class act....the honeybadger is a dope dude who gave up millions plus the respect that could have...
OK!!!!!! Georgia is the Eastern division champ. Kinda expected that. They represent the East in the SECCG. Expected that too.....On "College...