Kind of like when I am sitting here playing a word game on my phone and I start falling asleep and the phone starts slipping through my hands......
Quote of DJT: "While in certain ways yesterday’s election was somewhat disappointing, from my personal standpoint it was a very big victory - 219...
Dude had a kid at the beginning of the season. Almost everyone is a head case around that time. You might not remember it, but you were.
I hate the "expert" argument, but I am only an expert in a few areas and I guess I need to throw my weight around when I can... I am a software...
I watched that replay over and over and I swear his finger clearly moved. It was a tipped ball. It was obvious from first time they showed the...
Maybe now some will accept the truth. Covid was a cold. A type of cold that none of us have had before. Because our government built it in a...
I don't really care about the size as much as the noise. The size does not really directly affect me other than the fact that I don't want to get...
I agree with Rex on this. Totally a false equivalence. In 2016, there was no hacking of the election and the loser made false claims about...
So according to the left, law enforcement officers are now supposed to investigate people in search of crime... ah... got it. Fascism. DeSantis...
I just think it is funny as shit that they got deported from a sanctuary city when the Martha's Vineyard people sent them away. Really a...
He called who he thought they would listen to. And you know what? He was wrong. Trump told them not to and they still went in. They listened to...