But I did not see this many missed calls during the season. Why in the bowl games? Especially the poor reviews.
Worked there and I can confirm this...
There are plenty of people that can see their abs that are dropping dead from the clot shot.
Ok, one of the biggest things we are complaining about is that the Feds did not investigate the laptop properly because they are corrupt. You...
I am seeing the same thing...
So, if I rob someone and they are upset about it and then they report the robbery, you would completely discount their evidence of me robbing them...
Have you actually heard Bobulinski's interviews? Plenty of probably cause when combined with what the store owner claimed he found on the laptop.
Yep. Too dangerous.
Trump turned down the deal because that guy was too dangerous.
Seems that this young team was great as the underdog when there were low expectations of their performance. When the media shifted their focus to...
I managed my son's select soccer team for many years in the DFW area. Been involved in many scrimmages between his team and others, including...
With all this talk about the walls closing in, I think people are forgetting about the noose that is tightening.
The only way that early voting would work is if they count the votes as they come in (but only as a pre-count) and then AGAIN on election day to...
No early voting. It just provides too much opportunity for cheating. The whole problem is a chain of custody and monitoring problem. Machines...
In last nights Michigan duel (E vs C), one of the lineman's last names was Deatherage. That is a good name for a lineman.
For Desantis, it is a bit tough to sit out on the side lines. Trump will choose an attractive fiery female VP that will be the heir apparent for...
And you wonder why we bitch at the "Republicans" that let it happen??? Hello Georgia and Arizona! Wake up!