"Trump’s theories about the corruption of the Biden family in Ukraine have been painstakingly investigated and widely debunked, including by the...
Apparently the DOJ put the complete pardon for all crimes for ever and ever in the new version of the plea deal. Let's see if the judge does the...
Do you know what a Furin Cleavage Site is?
Which is why they accuse Trump of doing those things... to cover up their crimes.
Look at the words before that... Treason, Bribery. We are there. Way past there.
You are not following my point at all. I don't have the answers and neither does anyone else. So I don't know if I am right and I don't need to....
Don't know. Not scared to admit it.
Going before a grand jury is a perjury trap. Of course he won't do it. None of this is real. It is part of a grand conspiracy, and the media is...
I think it is silly to assume that everything has a finite span of existence. Take that assumption away and things will look different with all...
Because some things are logical and have empirical evidence for them and some do not.
Been together off and on since 2000. Ditched the horns back in 08.
And now he is indicted...
Well, now we have a better idea why the whistleblowers are disappearing......
And why do they foment this TDS? To cover up their crimes. Their crimes of buddying up with Russia and letting them take Crimea. Their crimes...
And it was invented to distract from Hillary's email scandals and HER close ties to Russia ("Russian Reset" anyone?). It was the Obama...
You forgot accomplished painter...
You just don't get it. The President is the ultimate authority on what is "dangerous nuclear secrets". He is elected to make that decision. Not...
I find it disgusting when people come on message boards and celebrate even more proof of the weaponization of the DOJ like it is a good thing....
I want to watch the replay, but it looked like the runner was caught in between third and home and probably could not have gone back to third...