and what the Eff is the Humanitarian Bowl? I've never heard of that company.
1 Memphis vs. 2 Alabama - Birmingham 10/2/08 7:00 PM 3 Cincinatti vs. 4 Marshall 10/3/08 7:00 PM 5 Boston College vs. 6 NC State 10/4/08 11:00...
Amen brother. Every American will sacrifice but its the best thing to do. Geaux RP.
uh, tonight?
Re: Must see video! Pulls the curtain back to reveal roots of current economic crisis Ron Paul predicted all this. Just sayin.
short term it will hit our economy hard. long term we'll be better off for it. I worked for a hedge fund for 10 years and know first hand...
LSU 48 Cowgirls 7 (late too)
wet blanket
1 Connecticut vs. 2 Louisville 9/26/08 7:00 PM 3 North Carolina vs. 4 Miami U 9/27/08 11:00 AM 5 Virginia vs. 6 Duke 9/27/08 11:00 AM 7 W...
uh pleeze, I'm no Alec Baldwin. It was a joke. But the hockey up there will be better than what I get to play here in DFW. Alright, I'm moving!
I have received multiple allegations (remember this could be a rumor) that Oface is getting tired of the crazy old man with the loose cannon...
I started calling it the Pac 1
psst... we won:thumb:
exactly. I'm about sick of the pompous posts from Clair. Clair > anyone else And don't you dare venture into the Pro Sports forum or you'll...
Auburn can pass? Does someone have proof?:wave:
Wait til he plays road games. Ron Artest got warmer receptions than this jerkoff is going to get. Cuban is such a little bitch. I actually...
Mark Cuban received tons of hate email for this. He posted it on his blog. warning: salty and racist language he...
No way Jose! I'm not falling for that again! Do you like Science? um, I guess so Do you like Ology? heck yes I do Then you'll love...
* this thread brought to you by Cialis, Depends and Geritol.
as a Mavs fan I've seen his skills diminish over the past 2 years which is exactly when he started acting the fool. He'll be out of the league...