Woodrow Wilson is universally regarded as the worst US president. He was a socialist. Wait a minute... Anyone see a connection here?
exactly. he pissed his vote away
Keep riding the fence Rex. That way you can complain no matter which way the wind blows.
Flava Flav was announced as the joint chief of staff. Interesting pick.
In the 12 hours since American "spoke" the stock market has plummeted 3%. I think its time to label Obummer a total and complete failure. We...
WRONGO - Bin Laden - Clinton's fault and negligence Housing and Credit Crisis - Democrat control and complete and utter mismanagement through...
Boy the Wii's are going to fly off the shelf this fall seeing that this will be the last Christmas season that will be legal in the U.S.
+1 for Shaq
Bush has more man and value in his pinky then Obama does in his entire body. I'm standing up for what is right, you should deal with it. Or are...
Obama is a fraud. He preached and positioned himself as one that would "reach across the aisle". .... ... .... ..... He's been proven to be the...
Cajun, As a Libertarian and strong believer in the Constitution and the founding fathers vision I certainly hope you are right. I just can't...
Don't worry everyone, nobody has to go to work tomorrow. Massah Obama gonna pay for our gas, mortgages and big gulps.
The world will end in our lifetime. If not in mine then certainly in my children's time on Earth. We are becoming a leftist, Godless country....
very timely death if you axe me
yup. they COULD be a glamorous 1-6
of course Obama will catch him. they are on facebook together
Elvis - STFU
Lundquist is a life long Dallas resident and former local sports dude. Stafford went to Highland Park (my high school too). Lundquist lives in...