DAMMIT!! I have a green dot now? Wtf?? Can a mod or somebody change my title to Red Dot Champion...this green dot friggin sucks!!! :rofl:...
Don't you have to repeat before you can three-peat? Wtf? Didn't LSU win something in 2003? USC blows.
That's hilarious! :rofl: [img][img] [img][img] Bwahahahaha! :rofl: :rofl:
Yeah, didn't want to lose my record 3 dots. Thanks guys! :)
Wow, this guy must own stock in K-Y jelly...as much lubing up as he does for USC. :dis:
7-5 Wyoming Cowboys make the top 25, eh? Makes perfect sense!
Wow, nice post...all thought out and all. Dude, I'd give you one of my rep points if I could. :thumb:
Never say never dude....wouldn't surprise me in the least though. The media has all but forgotten who won the 2003 NC with usc trying to...
Yes, we had our laughs already. :) http://www.tigerforums.com/showthread.php?t=28933&page=6&pp=15
Well, I really wasn't talking about Miles' abilities. It's more of the time necessary to get his system in place. That usually takes a season or...
So Les Miles will have zero problems handling the SEC in his first year?
Shortly after this crap came out, Bo threatened to take it to court. The whole thing was later retracted and Jackson got an apology. Nice try...
Absolutely dead serious..."Tigerforums.com National Red Dot Champion". It's going to have diamonds all over it.
Let's not confuse him any more than he already is. :thumb: Holy red dots batman! I have THREE! That has to be a TF.com record. I'm heading...
You guys need to get laid or something. Get a life even.
Auburn shouldn't be talking 13-0. That's ancient history by now. Auburn will suck so bad this year because they lost all those guys to the FIRST...