I understand. Same way for me....really bad here in Buckeyeville.....buckeye fans are joking that if Miles goes to Mich. tOSU will pitch in to pay...
Best Post-Game post so far. Right to the truth of the matter. I have been a Miles supporter and after going through the same emotions most tiger...
I am speechless............
They are not pot LOL...they are Buckeye leafs......for good playing......
Very nice paly for the TD.........:geaux:
Week #12 Games: Oregon – Arizona Penn St – Michigan St Oklahoma – Texas Tech Cal – Stanford Arizona St – UCLA Kentucky - Georgia...
Yep....my first radio games were in the early 60's........it is the best run for my life time....... :tigerhead
I did not see aerial shots.......must have been one of them black helicopters.....Jus kidding.....during breaks I would switch to the bama, Miss...
Yes. I have ESPNU in HD. Clear Picture.
Wow '67.....I remeber when they built the new bridge....it was a big deal than.....seems like yesterday........I'm getting old....
I would think the highest ranked team in the BCS would go to the Sugar. Only two teams per conf. can go to a BCS game........if LSU is ranked...
No, I think its Larry King shot a chicken at his place on CNN live...or smothin like that. :huh:
Nice smile:thumb:
Tennesse - Ole Miss Florida State - Wake Forest Northwestern - Illinois Kentucky - Vanderbilt Missourri - Kansas State Arizona - California...
Did you try turning the antenna? It use to work for me in the 60's....Just kidding....I have cable and no problems......all are sharp for me......
Was gonna say.......50 what?
Great post....thanks :hihi:
and the house and sun with the clouds?:)
I really feel if Miles was going to Michigan he would have in 2008, I think he is at LSU for a long time...I hope he is anyway......JMHO
If all falls into place I don't see why not? There are smarter people than I that can explain how that could happen........:thumb: