I'll be there....flying up thursday!
Brandon Jacobs left AU after the 2003 season to go on to play running back for Southern Illinois.......didn't play linebacker. Played his senior...
I am a Miles supporter and an even bigger JR supporter......but I will say that I blame JR's performance in big games on the game plan. It seems...
Goodlifetiger.....BergeGFK is correct. If LSU wins out, Arkansas loses to UT and LSU, and AU loses to Bama....we will all be 6-2 in the...
Its hard to name one....and as a youngin' my knowledge only really goes back to the early-mid 90's Kevin Faulk Bradie James Laron Landry
Its really not that big a deal to me, but I do find myself flip-flopping on the issue in reading both Red's and Martin's responses. Both have very...
He who hears nothing.....see's nothing
Ok....I think I'm sold.....BRING BACK THE OLD SYSTEM!!!!:hihi: :hihi:
Well although I agree with Martin on this subject, I also see your point Red! Both systems have their flaws. The question is do more people abuse...
I wonder if that "young reporter" was our very own cgisclair? :hihi: :hihi:
LVTGRFN is pure GENIUS!!!! I have nothing to add to his post!
There is not nearly enough NOTHING for the both of us!!!
Wait.........Did we just "Bring Back the Magic"? :hihi:
mesquite.....that has absolutely NOTHING to do with this thread!!!:dis: :dis: ;)
:hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: but in all seriousness....I had never heard that and its quite interesting!!!