Then there's Les Miles. Can recruit all day...can't coach a team for shit. Perhaps if it was still 1965.
No. People expect the coach to have his team fired up and ready to play. They expect the coach to represent the university and the community in...
No, of course it isn't Les Miles' fault, he's only the HEAD FUCKING COACH. His stubbornness and inability to lead and adapt is what's at fault....
At this point I'd swap miles for rob ryan.
And miles goes beyond coach speak. He seriously doesn't know wtf he's talking about. I wonder if Bo spoke the same incoherent bullshit that...
And just think....we get to look forward to more of this shit for the foreseeable future.
Feels like LSU is headed that direction also. Another thread, another forum I guess.
I love boobs.
They'll need to read "fear the hat" and "negatigers".
It's ok bro. I vaguely remember the 09 team.
Saints suck, end of story. Get those paper bags ready fellas.
My 8 year old wanted to watch the new episode of the ninja turtles. It was better than the game, and it took my mind off of it.
Fayetteville sucks the life out of everyone.
That inch and a half boner must really be uncomfortable lol
Yeah, guys whose talent exceeds the level of coaching, guys who improve despite a lack of ability from their head coach. Miles isn't the problem?...
There is nothing rational about Les Miles thought process.
Glad I didn't go. Fayettenam is a shit town.
Miles can't manage shit, except he manages to squander kids' talent year in and year out and manages to make his players look ridiculous.