You're supposed to tell me that I'm wrong. D'oh!
Don't forget your mullet, jorts, and Florida tanktop. [img]
I have no doubt that Harvin will play. I don't think it's time to create a new Twister spinwheel just yet.
It started with "Superman wears Tebow pajamas". You know, instead of a kid wearing Superman pajamas...
Oh snap... it's on now.
I think they said he had a faulty strap on his helmet, or something.
Let's just hope that Lee doesn't cry on national television, too.
Having Michael Oher doesn't hurt either.
Well, then you run the risk of knocking the team out of their rhythm. This is a problem that happens when teams in the NFL rest their starters...
Saints running well = offense moving well = Saints look good. Gee, I wonder if Deuce should play next week.
I heard it was a house fire north of campus.
It's definitely possible that he could be back for Florida.
:huh: Shrug. We have a quarterback and his name is Lee.
Here's an email that I just received featuring the latest information on the new Tiger Band hall: Dear Friend of the LSU Tiger Band: I am...
Well, there's been a shortage of soap in Alabama for years but you don't see Governor Bob Riley declaring a state of emergency.
Very true. But, hey, I'm not going to argue: McKnight proved that he's still Mr. Butterfingers. :lol:
When you have that many highly sought after recruits on your team, you're going to have serious ego problems with the players. Every one of these...
The Pac 10 being ridiculously hard is conveniently predicated on when it benefits USC, much like the BCS.
Does that mean we're in trouble?