Tyoical lsu on the ground rb td. Whats the deal with the passing game Drops, shitty passes, wtf have they been doing all spring
What happened to the fb copeland
miami, auburn, UGA, ALA and maybe a 5th, but at min- we lose those 4. change my mind- we suck on O and QB- Meh on rb and wr and now TE, we are...
Same shit different year—- we will lose 4 games min-starting with miami. Book it
If they do, its not to lsu’s credit, it would be bc ala put in their third sting etc, not bc lsu is any good Lsu is so simple to stop. Stop the...
Lets be honest- lsu has only a 0.00000001% chance at upsetting ALA. thats not be being a negatiger etc- its me being a relaist— yes ALA are 21 pt...
Lol needs 5 plays inside the 5 to score
Did u just assume the gender of my wife?
If auburn scores here, i cant possibly continue to watch, id rather mow the lawn.... anf by mow the lawn i mean sex wih my wife, please god no!
Loo. Tickets were going for $500/each
I bet boston college would beat us
Spread the fucking field and make short passes in space. Stopping lsunis ufb easy. Every team Stack the run and make the qb throw it, Its...
Woohoo a sack
Lol. Auburn is gonna hang at least 50 on lsu
Lol. We suck. This may be the quickest ive ever turned off a lsu game. Ygtbsm Gonna be a long day... hope u took auburn and the points
Take florida amd the points. If we are gonna suck, we might as well be rich and suck
any links would be great
Lol. No , it wont, lsu qb situation, same shit, different year, going on what, 10 yrs, (except mett) ? Book it