Yall are gettin me hyped up!!!!!!!!! I am ready for the tigers ( the real tigers) you know the bayou bengals to put some whoop arse on somebody!...
Thank you Jean, the feeling is mutual. Good luck with Georgia, I'll be pulling for ya!
I just don't see how they can go 12-2. They would have to do a major turn around. I'm not saying that it's not possible, but It looks doubtful at...
Pastimer, I know exactly what cha mean, but LSU is really looking good. I think they have it together. They seem to clicking right now on...
I love it!!!!!!!!!:D
For reasons that are pretty obvious I would love for yall to play aTm! I would love to see yall beat the britches off of em too!
Hey....wait a minute I was in the front row and I have all my teeth! I'll have to admit that was pretty funny though!
try to put some points on the board!! lol Good luck and try and take it easy on em! ;)
Thanks for all the nice post. Now thats the board I remember!
TravisCoTiger......I have never been a hostile rival. I'm a friendly rival. I enjoyed this board so much last year I just wanted to come and talk...
I personally would like to believe that Bama hired who they thought was right at the time. Our image was in dire need of cleaning up. I think...
Hello all my LSU buddies. I have missed chating with yall. It's almost that time again. I can't wait. As always, I enjoy this board and hope that...
If he ever gets the chance to go to Texas or Nebraska.....he is outa there!
I hear ya Jetstorm!:D
Thanks for the link RockyMtTiger!
Yes, I can honestly say that we did not know that he had already had things in place that far in advance. (well maybe some knew) but I certainly...
Good post Tigerfan, and I wouldn't expect you want anything other than for LSU to kick Bama's Butt. Thats just being a true fan. I do hope for...
Yeah your probably right. We surely do not need another Dubose. I think the administration is just thinking if they get someone within the family...
Thanks texastigers. I'm sorry for over reacting. My feeling are on my sleeve right now. It just seems that every time things start looking up,...
Thanks for the info. I don't believe anything I hear any more. After the past week I take everything radio and newpaper says with a grain of salt....