This may contridict "on a side note, the espn insider deal is well worth it, I think it's like 25 dollars/year, and you also get espn the...
Ruby I have made that drive and it should take no more than 7 hrs it took me around 6 if my memory serves. Its a nice drive since I-49 is...
Call em like you see Fisher... Simple observation...How many NFL RBs are of other than afro-american decent?
Its pretty hard to focus on the ball when you are being led into a safety that is about to make a ESPN highlight out of you...I dont care WHO you...
Same thing got UT into the Rose Bowl last years....
I noticed that also and was wondering what was going on there.:shock:
You got to consider your opponents on those stats.. 2 games one a come from behind triller and one a meltdown... I think time will tell and it may...
Actually the way I see it is "you have twice as much glass as you need";)
That's gay.:D Myself, I would not notice if our band played some other song. I'm just not that tuned to the band during a game.
I second that. Miles is going to thing different for Saban and its not always a bad thing.
Sounds like Devery...I like that. Now if he can just hang on to a few more catches.
Thanks BB I thought the world was coming to an end :) According to some.....
Awsone trip dude, bet you will remember this experience for ever. I was rollin' reading it....
Ditto, that was a late game so I was half in the bag also. I thought it was a great call for one reason: If you have an uncovered gunner it also...
With all the tension and frustation I thought this may relax the mood a little.. I found this online and almost fell out of my chair...
Re: ew Orleans police officers - many of whom from flooded areas - turning in their badge I will judge them: Your true colors shine when there...
I aree 100%. We create dependant with our current system.
Amen Brother.:thumb:
I am in bro.:thumb:
Hawk You and your folks are good people. Thanks:thumb: