Saw this article earlier today. Apparently some members of the LSU football team are...
I heard a radio commercial this morning for Twin Peaks in BTR and Laf. The girl started singing, "Bama, oh Bama, Bama won't you bite my . . ." the...
I generally believe in the maxim of where's there's stink there's shit. And there's been a load of stink following Mr. Famous for more than a year...
No way it's at a bad time. First these kids have played nine straight weeks and even though they're young it's good to get some time to heal....
So did Hugh Hefner. Google it but probably best done not at work.
Hell, I think Joe invented the selfie. He just had to take them with big ole Polaroids. And he was cool enough to get other people to actually...
Damn. That's spooky. I was helping my step daughter with her college applications and she gave up for the day and started walking to her room. I...
I think this season is off to a fine start. I'm actually looking forward to the episodes now and the pacing problem seems to have been solved.
Damn. Trouble in paradise?
I disagree. It's unicorn rare but in my experience it does exist.
Interestingly enough, there was apparently a patent granted over 20 years ago for a breakaway facemask but it's lapsed because of non-payment of...
Hell, I'm 7 in dog years and as long as I'm positive there's no unpleasant consequences I probably wouldn't turn down free tang.
Amen. I thought it was impressive when JC Copeland broke a defender's facemask on a block but when you watch the play, LF's head doesn't seem to...
That just sounds vaguely dirty (even in context). It sort of pains me that my x/2 +7 number has been over 30 for a few years now.
And then there's this
I always feel a little dirty admitting it, but Bama's uniforms are classic. I really like that the Red Elephants -- like our beloved Tigers --...
I just used 3% for easy math. That's a $1.2 million a year return, or $100k a month. Setting up security and privacy on that would be easy.
Yep, that's the answer. Hell, assuming the $50 million is net or tax free, take $10 million for walking around money for the rest of your life and...
Yep that's a definite possibility.
Yeah, smoothing out motion is probably the next big leap, but what we have today is far superior to anything that's come before. Here's the...