I'm all for it, but he has looked lost at times. If he wins Sat. a lot of people will jump on the band wagon.
damn........have ya'll gotten off topic!!! To add to the meandering conversation, I just saw W fly by in his whirly bird
I'll go hide in the corner now!!! That's what I get for working and playing at the same time.
You see what happens when let kids play on the computer!!! He obviously is just trying to pick a fight. No creditability, no class.
First of all, I never said anything about southern football fans not being intelligent. What I said was I spoke with knowledgable northern...
What is your motivation to let the world know your disdain for him? Play, intellect, height, weight, shoe size, race....Please enlighten us?
How many sophmore quarterbacks in LSU history have done as well as Jamarcus. I think your motivation is misplaced
One thing I am enjoying, is f*cking with all the VT fans here (at work) in D.C. D.C. is to VT as Dallas is to LSU
All you nay-sayers will eat your words, I promise you this!!! Since the hurricane, I have been living in Northern Virginia (Va. Tech, UVA, and...
http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=1877045 Beavers showing very little class. The game is over move on!!!!!!
I think it's funny how ya'll say the same sh*t over and over again...............next topic
How come Saban didn't get this award? I guess they just felt sorry for UGA, they did have alot of injuries this season.
feels great don't it
http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/football/ncaa/ click and scroll down to the bottom right poll
That is a great article..............all it takes is a strong grassroots program and we can pass these "left-coasters"
that Ole Miss hired PI's to investigate MSU about NCAA violations in order to get the NCAA off their backs....
where can I find a free UGA chat room...................and not the one listed in tigerforums
true dat
he is an ugly mother f*cker http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/index
http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/preview?gameId=233400061 this calms my nerves a little bit!