And I will say this, if the unthinkable happens and somehow yall do win...better you than Auburn
Well that's honesty...I'll give you that. I think that's why Eli went there...lord knows he would have won a lot more games if he had gone to some...
Ok Jonny I want an honest answer...what kind of a team do you tink Ole Miss will have next year. Is this its launch of a decade of domination in...
Perhaps sir Johnny you have not watched LSU play this year. Mauck barely trails Manning in efficiency and only trails by about 50 yards per game....
We will just have to see. But let's just dream a little bit and say Manning is on and lights us up for several touches...Texas Tech proves that a...
good one tex...I am shaking like a leaf just thinking about that big rebel D
I don't know about yall but I am sure in awe of this "Manning Mystique!"
The rebs won't score two touchdowns the entire game....grasshopper!
What a complete slob and loser that guy is. Everyone feel free to email him your on his name on the article for a link to his...
Let the man coach I love that he exposes all the idiots in the media for what they are....idiots. If I were him, I would only hold like two press...
The closets thing to holding the Heisman that Eli will experience.
I was totally impressed with the Bama D. Thank you for the nice comments. Please beat Mr. Cigar Smoker Tupperville!
bhamreb, sorry if I sounded conceded or over-confident....don't mean to belittle Ole Miss. In fact considering what the rebs have done this year,...
Yes I am an LSU fan so I suspect you will take this with a grain of salt but no how, no way Ole Miss rushes at all on LSU. Not up the middle, not...
Their BCS would still be at least #2 and possibly still #1 I believe even with the loss.
Let's worry about the BCS later I agree that the BCS is garbage. I did some research last night to try to understand the system and became even...
Guys I already posted the following to another thread but thought I would post it here also. This is my opinion which I tried to post to Albert's...