Ret. Gen. Tommy Franks said Wednesday that President Bush didn't discuss an invasion of Iraq with him until Dec. 28, 2001, and that intelligence...
No Clinton backed down when France and Russia said they would veto any action brought up in the Security Council. They did not want to stop those...
The author was talking about how celebrities talk about and use 9-11, because he heard that Britney was talking about 9-11. It was not because the...
Not many middle class people can take a $6 million loan against their Boston house to help finance their campaign when Dean was leading and Kerry...
So now Kerry is a news source. Very Telling.....
It is one or the other depending on what city you are talking, but this city, which has been the worse as far as the US goes, is Sunni.
How much did this guy try to grandstand? Multiple times he would try to stop her from addressing all parts of his statement or question. If this...
The violence in fallujah, which this and elsewhere in the triangle have been the worse as far as our troops and people are concerned, is not...
I think your Truman reasoning is merely semantics, but you seem to agree that it was not murder because we were at war. We are both at War and...
Where do you see me advocating genocide? Taking out this city is not genocide. You may want to look up the definition. Also how is it Mass...
No stockpiles have been found, but violations and unaccounted for pathologies have been found. Read the entire report from OCT. It has been gone...
Their actions are following their beliefs and therefore I again would not shed a tear if these cities disappeared. I would not be upset to see a...
Who is talking about "nothing comes for free"? I do not think anyone has implied that there should not be taxes, but there is a point when they...
I will take being called a lunatic from someone who believes Clinton took us out of Somalia "when the getting was good". It looks like you and...
Since I have benefitted from Bush's tax cuts I must be a rich folk as well. To bad my bank account does not actually reflect this new found stature.
I would not be disappointed if I woke up tomorrow and saw that this city and others like it had become parking lots. I do think we need to be less...
I know this date is symbolic, but it is interesting. Link to article and a chart below *