Kerry hangs himself out to dry by thinking no one is actually going to follow up on his words. "Flip-flopping" due to circumstances may be...
This would be flip-flop if he turns around and says the SUV is not his families but is his. This is more getting caught in a lie and then playing...
I will assume that you did not really understand my post if you think I posted this just because it was about SUVs. Also, Perry was elected by...
Here is a link to a story back when he joined the Rangers.
I have owned a fairly big SUV and now own a smaller SUV, so I do not care. But his answer is pure Kerry. ITTSBURGH (AP) - Does John Kerry, who...
I had one in my family for 16 or 17 years. I met his family when they would come in from the middle east. They even stayed at my house. He even...
No problem. Talking about war and politics can get heated at times. I do not mean anything personal against you and apologize if it has been taken...
Before I post this I know there is no proof of this what so ever and have seen nothing to make me believe it, but the writer quoted in this...
Why doesn't Kerry release all of his military records like he promised this past Sunday on TV? link
What is going on with this? If this is true, which it has not been proven yet, why would this not have been given to the FBI agents conducting the...
Red, Getting little touchy I see. I offer more than my opinion and always back up my posts just like I did with Razing Falluja. You may not...
I spent some time at Fort Brag. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on who you talk to) I was only 4 or 5 at the time, so I could not become...
Those are political observations. You have yet to prove actual blunders or cause and effects in regards to fighting terrorism like your post...
Everything else in your post just ignores everything that has been posted here so far. To your first questions it does not matter. Who cares...
Besides the $$$$$$ France and Russia received before the war it looks like they were on track to receive a lot after they stopped the sanctions....
What blunders would that be when it comes to fighting terrorism? It is easy to say, but it is hard to back up. If you want to bring up anything...
You obviously never read any of the posts I pointed you too or you would not have said I do not use news sources. I was also using all of Kay's...
So no one should take this as you implying that the UN inspectors left on their own with their mission accomplished and could just go back...
Anyone who thinks the inspectors "left" on their own and that is was ok or normal to be rebuilding his army with weapons banned by the UN...
The article below about the Tet offensive is very interesting, particularly when you see what is going on today. Times Link