About O'Neil http://www.nationalreview.com/flashback/rose200408061143.asp
More Kerry - this time pulling a Michael Moore. http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2004/8/5/203747.shtml I think its times are little...
I thought this was a good read on the DNC's reaction to the book. http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/007389.php
One out of the ten does not appear to feel the love for Kerry (but does seem a little angry)...
Besides being incorrect (in what he is telling the press) it appears what Wilson is telling the public/press and what he actually reported are not...
This is from the whitehouse's the mid-session review, which is different from original estimate....
More BS from wage-slave.org's scorecards. Here is your fearless leader or is this you?????
Besides all of this being typical of Smaxcom2's attempts to Michael Moore people here, he (or she or it) cannot even post the original link of...
Since the left is posting article after article. I thought I would put some of the articles outside of Iraq and 09/11 on Kerry that go against the...
Embarrassingly I might add unless you are of the Michael Moore wing of the Democratic Party.
In most cases you are not really comparing apples to apples. I have also seen some of this posted before by someone else. Just a quick look finds...
You do not keep up either. http://www.nationalreview.com/may/may200407121105.asp A couple more...
Excluding links that are not valid any longer you seem to have no links since March 2003. You use a link from Ritter in June 2000 to put down...
You might want to update what you copied and pasted some have been updated by more recent events or investigations. There was a poster here named...
Where are you getting your information from? Moveon.org?!?!?!? The aid was humanitarian aid that bypassed the Taliban....
Here are links to videos showing Kerry interviews on Iraq from Clinton to trailing Dean before Iowa to more recent. First uses Real and second...
http://www.davekopel.com/Terror/Fiftysix-Deceits-in-Fahrenheit-911.htm? This puts alot of the issues about Moore and his movie together...
We also could have taken out Bin Laden a few times before 09-11 as well. Is it only ok for you guys against the war in Iraq to take out people...
Did you read the report? Out of all the Bin Laden associates that we have captured both senior and non-senior the main conclusion that the report...