Seems similar to a law M Foster passed over here. If I remeber right. You are pretty much go to go if someone comes into you house and you use...
I love it. I used to be a fan of Fox news. Now I jsut watch it to see if they are CNN have hotter babes. Fox news in my opinion goes on and on...
Doesn't LSU have access to a sports psycologist
I ain't buying it. The kid loves the game and the contact.
Been doing KFC lately. It seems, at least in Lafayette, that the quality of Popeye's is restaurant dependent.
Is he suppossed to be showing he has a chip on his shoulder?
Currently no. But back in the day when Bo was around I had an Auburn hooded sweat jacket.
The thing is it stays in your system. That's why I made the remark about smoking pot on Friday. Not the whole weekend. Let alone burning one at...
The government can't control it and receive the taxes from it so it will never be legal. Even if it was, you can go out and get falling down...
I would like to see LSU win this game. However even with a healthy JR I don't see it happening.
Receivers dropping the balls in the game and saying JR throws to hard is BS. If in practice these balls are being dropped in game situations...
I was there
I went with the wideouts. Dropped balls were huge this year and should have changed the outcome of most of the games. I guess it's the shoulda...
During the Alabama game it was obvious to me that at that point in the season our recievers had dropped ball all year that should have been...
Wendy's spicy Chicken. Great when on the road.
I voted popeyes just because it had been my favorite for a while. But I have been doing KFC hot lately and the flavor and bird size has gone up...
I have done 3 in 100% peanut oil at 350.
ESPN 2 Kick off at 7 :45 is what ESPN said yesterday
Coming in Friday. Will be staying in Tupelo. And celebrating an engagement weekend. Really hope to make the game.:wink:
Not to be negative but here goes. Bama has lost 2 key players to injury. If we don't mall drag these guys it will not say much for our program....