It's not the diner that leaves early. IT's the diner that doesn't show up. I saw a report done by the CDC after a ban was done somewhere in...
Guess it doesn't make a hill of beans to me. But if it's such a bad thing why does the government susidize tabacco farmers. Whole nother subject...
Your title says Baton Rouge. I assume you know it's state wide.
Get back to you after each team plays a few games. I know it is highly anticipated but LSU has a lot of questions to answer the RB position. Our...
This discussion would not even take place, IF the receivers would not have dropped so many catchable balls last year. There were so many dropped...
Been drinking beer on the beach for over 20 years. Don't feel like drinking it fast before it get hot's and want to make it a little tropical...
He can have USC back but the team that beat him ain't ther no mo.
Thomas Johns is and IDIOT
If the wide reciever catch the ball this offense has the talent to score virtually at will or at least walk down the field and keep drives alive...
Wheather it happens or not I do not know. But having the legend back at the helm would surely give LSU baseball a shot in the arm as they say.
The TOPS program is great for the in state students whose parents pay out the ying yang in taxes and don't require crap back form the state in...
Haven't herd cowherd in a while. I do know that during football season he gives LSU thier props if you will.
Not to get too much into it but, with that statement, why does the Catholic church believe in pergatory and all the hoopla and donations you have...
I don't know that there is a big difference in schedules. AU still had to go thru the SEC. But with SOS taken out of the picture, it was a press...
Katrina Flood waters sounds intersting. I do like the Idea of the Rum Punch. Your right the Frat house JJ is a bit much.
Going to Florida and need something to sip on while on the beach. So does anyone have a GOOD Jungle Juice or whatever you want to call it recipe.
I don't even like baseball that much and the video made me get chills.:thumb:
Unless it rains or we have a hurricane. But in reality yes. This team should win these games by a bunch.
Sounds similar to the words Jesus said on the cross