Jimbo ain’t delivering over there in fairy town
Dilly dilly
I’m thinking Victory TITS! [ATTACH]
I love being wrong
Our o line is dog shit pig vomit. Yank every one of these cocksuckers scholarships
And get your Coon Ass Waterboy self outta here.
LSU hasn’t had a decent o line in 40 fucking years
TONS of stupid to go around the last 24 months .
Of course it doesn’t help Peetz his HC became an asshole teenager in heat
Peetz conducting a clinic on why that Fucking asshole should have never been let in a press box. Who in the fuck recruited Max thinking he could...
Don’t recruit Candy Asses
Their offensive line about like ours
ATM turned it up defensively and Peetz once again clueless
OU pooping bed .... so press conference this Friday?
Jimbos offense is dog shit . Stay over there
Refs now dry fisting the War Eagles. Word has come down from Hoover - protect the $EC 2nd spot in playoff.
The Evil Dwarf is losing a step . You heard it here first.
Just tuned in - how bad is Danielson’s P M S because Gumps struggling?
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] We ain’t going to any shit bowl. End this kabuki theatre with the Samurai Coon Ass tonight