As of now Aranda Laneykins Campbell After that Woodman is in deep shit stew .
A lot easier to look like the smartest kid in class hiring coaches for side sports — men’s baseball women’s bb. At a football school is where you...
Don’t laugh . You might miss him when he’s gone
Don’t forget boys — Boomer Sooner now has come to Camp Winatonka to piss in the Hire A Coach Pool . I suppose they’ll lap our ass too? They’ll...
Swing for the fences My ass
Woodman looking more clueless tick tick tick tick Lincoln already in LA— he wanted no part of future in SEC getting his nutz hammered every...
I agree completely. Maybe Mulkey coaches football???
Ehhhhhhhhhh ...... EVERY year???
His personality -/ total asshole . He did have cojones to take State Penn job . That was brave in the middle of their shower follies
1 Fickell 2 Laneykins 3 Aranda 4 Campbell - reach 5 Cristobal - wife?? 6 the rest - Dog poop settles
I could see why. He’s first man in 4O years to turn Bama offense to shit
Then Woodward is worthless. Alleva drunk coulda landed Boudin Boy . Disgusting
I better not see a fucking press conference with Stoops or O Moron being heralded as the ‘best fit for Lsu’ Start wearing orange . We’ll Be Tennessee
I agree . He’s all that’s left on the rumor wire
Woodward is waving most cash and everybody passing? Something ain’t making sense — Fickell angle only optimism ( reach?) that makes sense.
It’s louisiana . People don’t want to work here
Let the little pussy go to La la land .
If it’s Stoops or O Brien I’m opening a vein
Extra lube anyone ? [ATTACH]
I agree . The Big Guy has earned my respect .