Actually, she changed her name for political purposes last year. Ran across this awhile back: Hillary Drops Rodham Her senate site includes...
Moving N. Texas makes sense. You don't want to play a hard game the week before traveling to Auburn. I keep hearing Texas Tech.
Another solid recruiting class. Doesn't matter to me where exactly we finish in the rankings, just being in/near the top 10 consistently will...
Um, yeah, ok.:hihi:
We'd have to rewrite many laws if we're talking about doing what's right. But that's a good topic for another day when we're bored during the...
The last sentence of that article:
Has nothing to do with foreign markets. The U.S. is the 3rd largest oil producer. Simply cut back on U.S. oil production to keep them under the...
B/c oil prices would still be where it is today, unless you truly believe they control the oil prices on the open market. Taxes won't make them...
Who? In this 24/7 news world, I have a hard time believing that someone hasn't leaked such collusion or anti-trust information to the media....
Let's assume we hit them with a windfall tax. Let's assume we take away every tax break they have. How will that lower the price at the pumps?...
Why doesn't innocent until proven guilty apply to oil companies? We've been accusing them of screwing us for over 30 years without any evidence....
Yeah, I knew you couldn't have a big boy discussion. That is your mo. See ya.
We have a definition for recession in this country. It is two quarters of negative GDP growth. Now, you can go make up whatever definition you...
Define recession.
I know you are probably just repeating what you heard on tv, but you might want to look up the definition of recession. Other industries are...
Very few Americans want to be burdened with changing their lifestyle to reduce energy consumption. And most aren't willing to pay more for...
Oil and gas industry is unlike other industries. WalMart products aren't traded on the open market, they get to set their own prices. They can...
At least 3 hearings that I'm aware of. Probably more since they have so many committees. Nov '05 March '06 May '07 They haven't found...
I replaced my old set of magnalites about 2 years ago. Don't know when the changed occurred, but the set I got at Walmart looks, feels and cooks...
Moved this from the other thread, since it is more appropriate here. If anyone is still looking for magnalites, you get them online at WalMart....