Are you two suggesting Miles would not have suspended the deep snapper for the same offense and is unfairly treating RP? Any LSU football...
Obama is winning many smaller states. If he can't win at least one state out of Ohio, PA or Texas, it's all over for him. He is behind in all...
What part of the quote is untrue?
Let me ask you this about Hillary, who is still a candidate you are considering. This NCLB is an issue where she agreed with Bush, just like the...
Would you feel better if it was funded? Did you not support this legislation in '01? If you didn't, you were in the minority. I find it...
LSU once hired a player's coach in Mike Archer. What the current players think should not be considered when hiring a coach. What is best for...
When only have 4 guys (Thornton, Randolph, Temple, Johnson) you can count on and play them many minutes, you are going to run out of gas in many...
Obama easily won, 57-36 percent. Huckabee narrowly beat McCain, 43-42 percent. Pinnacle passed 56 to 44 with record turnout of almost 40% in...
The question is what they are doing with all that money. Lots of news about how they are building up the military with all their newfound wealth....
We'll see what they come up with for '09, as they have to fill the App St game. Ausberry said they will have something on that soon. Maybe we...
Honestly, do you really think Texas Tech said no to playing us b/c they are scared to play in Tiger Stadium? We are reluctant to give up home...
Not gonna happen. For starters, he is 68. I'd say that's a tad bit old to rebuild a program. Secondly, he can no longer recruit top athletes....
That seems to be the attitude of our AD. We win championships, so it's ok to raise tix prices and schedule weak teams ... and the fans will bend...
I'm starting to wonder about LSU's negotiating skills or motivation to get it done. It's pretty convenient to keep claiming they tried to...
You're right. The Soviet Union was just misunderstood. Really, they were the good guys.
The new coach will have a lot of work to do with the fans. I'd like to see him make a big deal out of midnight madness. The 6th man club needs...
China poses a long term threat like the old Soviet Union did for decades. Al-Qaeda will be a threat for the foreseeable future, but they can't...
What a way to start a weekend.:thumb:
But in terms of policy, they are pretty much the same. The really big difference is Obama never supported the war as Hillary did. The change...
What radical changes is Obama promising that Clinton isn't? From the debate last week, they basically agree in principle on almost everything...