So well prepared. They look like shit
Not going to run it on these guys
Gordon, the Drive killer
Gordon needs his ass kicked
Well, shit storm has started
Son of a.....
Stupid penalty
Didn't see him
Let's hope they continue
You are right! Beckwith needs to improve as well. As @StaceyO said, we have gotten used to winning. It's a tough pill to swallow, watching...
I sure as hell can't figure it out! The doghouse may be back.
Haven't seen much of Welter's mental game. Seen him out of position quite a few times.
I learned a long time ago to stay out of the casinos. Only go there to eat or watch a band.
I was at the 95 game! And like you, was happy to be there.
It's definitely a rough part of town!
I'm in S'port as well. I may take you up on the offer sometime. I'm in the middle of selling my house and packing to move right now. Maybe a...
No they didn't. But, they could have! They actually released a new album recently. It's not too bad. Played all the oldies of course. And a...
I know!!! Spoiled brats we have become.