Wishing him a speedy and full recovery!
I voted yes. Yes, Steele is the variable in this equation. Just going to have to see the product to evaluate further. Coach O was the deciding...
I could get on board this train!
Another good point!!!!
Those are good points! And yes, we do need a QB. It's really a damned if you do, damned if you don't, type of situation. From the players...
I just don't see the point of taking a guy that only has one year of eligibility. Especially when it makes the guys we have sit the pine and...
All, I can say is best of luck to him.
Exactly!!! Couldn't have said it any better myself. And believe me, I have always hoped he would find that team. Just wasn't in the cards it...
Yes, he has! I'll give him all the cred for it. But, he hasn't been a consistent starter for anyone. That is why I didn't include him in my...
Other than Mett, and he really hasn't proven himself in the NFL yet. I can only think of three QB's from LSU that has had a modicum of success in...
Yeah, he's a great guy and all that. I just don't see the fire of the teams earlier in his tenure. They are talented. But, I just don't see...
There aren't any!!!
I'm not sure what to say about the game yesterday. I am sure that we need to put some BIG, BAD, nasty disposition MFer's on the D line. The...
Welcome to the asylum! I could use a nice rack right now! @tirk
Definately agree on Aerosmith! Much better material when they were wasted.
I'm getting there! Thanks
Thank you, Sir! I do miss racing. I don't miss having to dish out the money to do it. Very expensive hobby.