I think we drink more but just hold our liquor better. Maybe this is an amateur poll and the don't rank professionals.
Yes kind of if it is true then theses Dbags had to plan it unless the Gump's just have sleeping pills on the sideline.
Was listening to WNSP in Mobile and Scott Hunter was on and Bragged about Alabama Players gave Mike the Tiger Meat mixed with sleeping pills in...
As long as I have enough ice for my beer in Mobile I am good !
Lol he only has extensive notes on trump none on else. And how does your Head of the FBI get intimidate and "feel unsure" when talking to other...
What is up with the flag behind her.. Lol God I am too old and Married :(
Can't you read man it's Tomorrow he announces, like the sign in the bar "free drinks tomorrow".
And he still won! Says to me several things one of which Democrats can't find a good candidate to run if this guy beats a reporters ass on video...
Roger Moore Passed away... Liked him in the Saint he was Ok as Bond.
Who Said anything about Bestiality ? lol
I blew a seal in my truck once. :)
Lol... wow Maybe that is a tad too much.
yes the Professionals have done such a good job the past years :rolleyes:
Seems like a vast majority of people rely on others to tell them things ;)
We got hammered in Mobile and not the good way :P I saw William Carey college in Miss got torn up also.
Ever wonder who funds this and please don't say it's a grass roots thing. So what if 100 thousand or even 200 hundred thousand marched we have...
Where do you get the figures Unemployment is low. Hmm Maybe things aren't as bad as Republicans say,, But they sure aren't as good as democrats...