Glad you had a great time.
Hey I Live in Bama country at least you have others fans to pat you on the back and say " I feel your pain " instead I get salt in the wounds from...
what.. come on annoying hucksters and politics go hand in hand like a picnic and ants. Instead of fearing it embrace it, have fun with it if they...
Humph.... I have had a couple stop in Mobile and size me up before walking away. But XXL is right I have lots of friends who are Bama And Auburn...
more like it is all part of "the Process" :P
Is he better than Crawley
If I owned a mobile home sales company I would advertise like hell on Finebaum .
What get's me is the fact they claim our fans are rude. I Still believe none of our fans have poisoned the opposing teams trees, put there junk on...
Thanks I really did not know. Hmmm I never really thought about it too much, My father was adopted from a orphanage and we knew nothing about his...
Whats is a illegit African ?
I Hate florida
I have done allot of crow boots to heal Charcot.Just make sure after surgery get some good diabetic shoes and INSERTS. Inserts are the key to...
Catahoula Named Remy
I used to watch more sports to escape all the B.S. of the world, now if it isn't L.S.U. or the Saints I really don't Care
Texas A.M. promised him wine coolers and he could dance and wave the white towels with the yell leaders if he helped them win a national...
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays blah blah.. Here is hoping everyone can step back and Enjoy.
Who ?
What is a False video ? Not being a smart ass I have never heard the term.