wow. that tugs at the heart strings
Leon Redbone has passed.... Check out his eulogy. SWEET
Tim Conway passed away sad to hear it was dementia, such a funny man!
Is it the first time he has been dead wrong ?
wonder how much of that is because we had had some guys stay and not go to the NFL ?
I am pulling for the Rams to lose on a last second penalty that is called / or not called and then Brady Retires right after the Game.
Got to be a What-A-Burger with the A 1 sauce.
lol. this post was started in 2016...I have cooked goose it doesn't take this long !!!
Ate them alive... what game were you watching ? Drew lobbed up a interception and we held them to a long field goal, if the refs were have way...
WOW... cant beat the Refs
Thanks Tirk hard to get news in Gump Land.
enrolled at LSU. Anyone Anyone Bueller ?
yes but the player standing over burrow right after the hit was worthy the flag. All I have to say is the kid has stones. Glad he is a Tiger
Ty Shane
Does Bama have any room (not that it matters) I thought they used all there slots up ?
how in the hell did the SEC officials get in that game.
F That I say he needs to double it !!!!
Is this good ? Sometimes guys can cause more harm in bad team chemistry than good.