What i wonder is why Nato doesn't step up 27 European Nato countries and they all want the U.S. to send our troops. How about they send the...
Sean Peyton retiress as Saints head coach ending a Era of winning football in New Orelans.
While i agree with some of what you say the U.S. jumped the shark years ago on medical hypocrisy ... smokers and lung cancer, heavy drinkers and...
So nobody in Politics can have a valid convesation ?
You realize the population of Lincoln county ?
Hmmm for a person to paint with such a broad stroke shows such a hatred that it blinds them being rational.
This Happens when you Start allowing politics and outside influence to dictate parts of the game and then market how you responded to them. Sports...
You should write greeting cards :P
Well i guess that is "enough" of an answer :P
How Many parts do you see ?
Our last coaching hire
Some of us come here for LSU news cause we live out of State. I love the site and enjoy watching the banter.
Ugg. i don't say is is not warranted but i am not Celebrating
Link :)
I Believe they intend to try and make sure there i no way Trump would think about running again or at least make him less of a viable candidate...
My opinion is a good deal of what is considered racism is more like bigotry. Not a fan of either but there is a difference.
Ugg logged on to see what going on and of course it a Pissing contest. Stay healthy my friends just like the Curley Hallman era " this too shall...
Wow...Step back my friend enjoy this year and don't let the Jedi Prophet thing go to you head.
Merry Christmas.