My heart can't take another OT game....this is really great football ( minus the bad/paid-off refs ). We aren't playing up to our potential, but...
The clocks not running! Geez...thanx for clearing that up
Ya'll...this has my you know what tightened up
See...there's another PI call not called that, by the refs standards - they called one against LSU that was much less interference - they should...
Thats why I said we were playing like crap! But the refs have been blatenly biased here.
3 pass interference calls not called against Ark, a bad pass interference call against LSU, and now a holding call that didn't exist??!?!?!?...
Where are you getting the BCS standings from? As of 8:30, hasn't been updated! OK ESPN is updated before huh?...
"These pretzels are making me thirsty!"
That was sweeet!
Hester a junior or senior? If a senior, how fast does he go in the draft?
OK - I just saw our 'ad'..that was totally lame Wish I was there to see the the band on of the best evah!
I am about to put the sound on Hawthorne announcing?
OT - Peter Frampton sold out and has no hair! lol