My God he's seen ELEVEN of them! That' e'freaking'nough.
Gee you're a regular Nostradamus. You waited until they were down by a whole 15 before that bold statement did you?
Won't it be quite sad if we find a perimeter game next year but lose Davis and Thomas?
C'mon guys we're down by 14 with 25 minutes left. It's NOT over!
I'll tell ya what, Voogd had great fake pass in that game the other day. Best I've seen in all the games I've watched. He faked cross court which...
That was supposed to be the clincher for Texas. They could "handle" us in inside but had more consitent shooting. PLEASE! Points in the paint were...
So much for Texas being able to handle us inside. We freaking DOMINATED in the paint.
Some people understand the long-term ramifications of illegitimacy and single-parent households. We find the damage done to the kids more...
He has a kid. That's not a future responsibility. It's a current one. The idea that Michigan might hold some great bonanza of security for him and...
You don't know becuase it isn't. Anyone can go anywhere they choose but when a kid enters the picture things must change, at least if you're the...
Careers support families. College football doesn't (or are you suggesting that Michigan is paying him?). Comparing the two is asinine. If Jai...
Sonofabitch. :sob:
ONEPEAT LOL. Carroll just as many NC's as Saban.
HAHA did Leinfart say he still thinks his team is better? Um, PRESS CLIPPINGS DON'T COUNT FAGGOT!
Why should we? Contrary to USC's claim on the 2003 title, ours isn't based on the outcome of a season ending poll. The polls determine who PLAYS...
Nervous as hell and trying to get just the right level of buzz to calm my nerves while retaining a memory of events. I gave myself the option of...
You mean despite the truth?
Another older article from Shreveport:
Punishment is passe. Let's just move right on to forgiveness and avoid all the unseemliness.
All the old arguments being drudged up again. Don't know if I love it or hate it.