As a Texas resident, I'll gladly "take one for the team" and have this storm give me a rainy Saturday...if that means Death Valley remains bone...
It's no knock on Matt, it's just that he's not at his best right now. The follow up, then, is why does anyone who cheers for LSU want a QB who is...
Nothing personal, but I'm responding to this as means of responding to all posts like it currently on the site. What do you mean, exactly, by...
As a practical matter, it's something of a wash as both are LSU opponents. Otherwise, I was unhappy to see it for two reasons: 1-Florida was...
Re: UCoaches poll keeps LSU @ #2 Maybe because the coaches, if they believe that LSU is committed to not playing the best 22 players available...
If Matt's ankle kept him from participating in *any* run-option plays (for the third game in a row, I might add), then why was he in the game???...
I was most shocked by the penalties---this was hardly a "road game", yet these guys were somewhere else today and not tuned into the game. The...
He's probably in a perpetual state of separation anxiety over the loss of his one true love...err, buddy.
Thanks to all for the input. This is one of two lines that jumped out at me, the other being Baylor a double-digit dog to the hapless-lookin' Ags....
Seriously, LSU couldn't stay within 3-4 touchdowns of any NFL team. Just ask Reggie Bush with his old USC jukes and jives that net him about 0.5...
Bodog has Fla at 18.5. I fully expect a Fla win but, c'mon...nearly 3 TD favs over Tubs? What say you to this semi-degenerate gambler, fishing...
Strange, indeed. Also, it's interesting to note that USC clearly "secured" the #1 spot by getting about 80 more votes total and a 4.5 to 1 ratio...
(Ahem) Apologies to all who took offense to the way my post last night was, uh, worded. Got a little carried away and used language that was...
What??? SaltyOne has laid down tha hammer--Thou Shalt Not Question Mr. Flynn, or his coach!!! I know, I's insane to ask why an...
What's more "manly", anyway? The fact that I questioned a coaching decision--which, by the way, happens about 10,000 times a day amongst LSU...
Wow, don't say that out loud!! If you even remotely suggest that our Tigers did anything less than totally dominate today, ol' SaltyOne will...
Take away Les Miles and his ... desire to keep Matt Flynn in as QB as opposed to RP who was...more effective, and LSU wins by at least 2 more...
Hell, I want to see all the young'uns--the LaFells, the Tollivers, the Chad Jonses and the RPs of the team--absolutely mash today. Let's do it...
Honestly, the Ags should give Art Briles (Univ of Houston) head coach some real consideration. Ags have fallen so far that they won't get a big...
As soon as I read Maisel's column, I knew Stoops was wrong about getting "hurried off the field" for his practice. A little Morning Advocate...