SECCG analysis on SECN tonight: “Florida beats LSU if Kyle Pitts plays”. I’m like, coulda, woulda, shoulda MFer. If the game was so important,...
I just gotta say, that was a piss-poor quality game tonight between USC and Oregon. Both teams. I felt like i was watchi g Fresno St, Boise St or...
I just heard this shit. This shit is absolutely fucking crazy. As in you can’t make this shit up. Ridiculous...
Not that it matters to us, but I am amazed at Dan Mullen’s post-game presser. I mean, why even talk about the CFP at all? Why get into it. Why...
I love it. I hate Florida University (FU), so yeah, F ‘em. (But, I do like Sandestin and 30A!).
Damn, that’s bullshit. So if oregon were to win that game, y’all would go? Then that game has to be made up. As stated above 2020 is a crock. The...
I guess even those who didn’t watch the game (er, a lot of committee members) can’t be impressed with a 20-7 aTm win. So I am glad LSU scored to...
Well, we were wrong about LSU not scoring...whatever
Who is the starting QB next week? Not that it will matter
The only thing ESPN is good at is selling bullshit, and they aren’t good at it. Now we have to have a long conversation about the Heisman.
I was just saying this very thing over text. You know there are a bunch of them on the committee not paying attention. They are busy with the...
Dear ESPN, fuck the committee and STFU already. You’re boring EVERYONE!
I’m going to go with NO.
They keep doing this shit...apparently, Jimbo is bulding a “monster” in College Station. Maybe that dude will offer Jimbo a blumpkin after the game!
My kid turns 18 next month. He’s going to get a dose of reality in terms of how the world actually works.
The D has played well enough to this point. No other unit has, however.
This is a good point. What was Burreaux’s release time? 2 seconds or less? Finley/Johnson about 6 seconds? 8? Hahahahaha, lmao.
I was a QB playing 7-8 year old football at Girard playground, and I got yelled at all the freaking time. Lol
I am the same. Dude at gas station yesterday asked me if I was from Louisiana. Fukn A, breaux! But man, this team is killing me... :(