What a weak fucking conference. Seriously, the Pac-12 is full of fucking fags
It’s a little ‘t’ for a reason, Francis. Not buying into any kind of Bullshit. It’s a way of mocking those phaegs. Do you not watch NFL...
Jesus…depressing! Truth hurts. :(
I think we are going to get our asses kicked in the SEC. maybe we can beat the cowbells. Then again, maybe not.
canzano is a piece of shit. Seriously. tOSU has not looked good this year. Wondering how much Ryan Day was riding CUM’s coattails and whether we...
Well, I don’t buy into that. I would say, “we shall see”, but I am not sure I really want to see that show.
Not being able to win in the SEC this year (Vandy excepted).
Speaking of UGA, I came away from that game last night feeling pretty confident that the SECCG is already set. BAMA v. UGA with another UGA bow out.
Well, I thought there was 12 games. If so, how do you feel about 5-7? Lol
So, dumb question here (or not), how do we get Joe Brady as the HC who can operate as a Sean Payton on the field while he delegates the defense to...
I think y’all might be being generous with the win total. Based on what I saw last night, we might only beat Vandy in conference. Might. What...
Kind of looked like Jorts on Jax!
I appreciate the positivity. But I am not feeling it. I see big problems. Red flags everywhere. I think the program can rebuild. We have to...
I really thought the team was going to be better than this. Really, really disappointing. Other than Vandy, I wonder if this team can win a...
Too bad all this shit seems to come down to who’s running a state, a D or an R. The science should govern. Chance of outdoor infection acquisition...
Maybe you can grow a pussy and fuck yourself? Seriously, that is meant as a total joke. Just the first thing I thought of when I read your post...
LA County expects people to wear a mask for that game. Capacity over 100k and OUTDOORS, actual attendance, not even half that. Wear your fucking...
I hear you. I’m vaxxed and I am beyond pissed myself. This is total bullshit. It’s an outdoor game. I have been watching a ton of MLB games,...
Looks like I got the rise out of you I wanted. I know he isn’t a Duck. He did an amazing job bringing baseball titles to a place that is not...
Yes! I just posted this the other night in the Regional thread that we just clinched against Oregon also with a 9-8 victory. But I remember...