ESPN sucks. Fuk’em
My 2019 NC Flag is still flying out front...barely. It’s almost to the point of embarassment now. Shit.
LSU football hasn’t been this bad in how long? Gerry fucking DiNardo
Dear ESPN, ATM is convincing me that they suck...
I mean, this shit happens right in front of these assholes, and they can’t see it? WTF?
That’s a fucking fumble? Are you kidding me?
More possessions than combined completions. Smh
2020 has been too F’d for me such that I haven’t been able to watch every game. But watching this, I really have to wonder how bad Arky and USC...
Speaking of embarrassment, watch what happens next week on prime time national TV. Man, that is going to be ugly. Can’t win every year, I get...
Hahhaha, that’s funny shit. They were definitely doing something other than closing out a game!
Why won’t they reschedule? They bend over stupid for PIT-BAL, but not for the Broncos with no QBs? I just don’t understand any of these...
And I am just not impressed with aTm
Jesus Christ, this shit is hard to watch.
I saw a graphic that Oregon had won 11 of the last 12. That’s a big imbalance. I’m guessing ore st fan is pretty stoked today.
For anyone who is “worried” about this virus, it’s pretty outdoors as much as you can. Limit your time indoors in public. Wear a mask...
I don’t know what to make of today. I know some aTm fans are afraid that they are going to F this up, which wouldn’t surprise me in the least....
I hope Burreaux is able to recover and resume his career without issue or hindrance. Just awful. Love what he did here. Don’t want it to be the...