that's a very good point:thumb: The talking heads love to stir up hot and spiced up controversy........
I am very interested in knowing whether Miles can learn from mistakes, adjust and make smarter decisions.
I blame that on Miles' JJ man crush:eek:
I wonder if Miles learned from the mistakes in the decisions made???
Sometimes I wonder if JJ confuses the O-line...........?chemistry issues
I as much as anybody else wants to know the truth. However, even if something else like the truth comes out, it may still have a negative...
Yup. And I presume most teams would have switched QB's , or at least temporarily, in such a huge game when so much is at stake, for a change of...
If I were Kiel, I would also naturally have second thoughts and doubts about coming to LSU, esp. with the horrific scoreless offense of LSU in the...
I wish Jarrett the very best in his future. Solid guy.:thumb:
I stand corrected. The offense did not suck the whole season as you posted earlier. Offense was also productive towards the end of the season, but...
Untrue. Offense moved the ball and productive first eight games of the 2011 season.
LSU had no backup AMMO, or nothing to back up on........ Quite shocking as no one expected LSU's offense to be so much outplayed by Bama's defense.
The bottom line is: something went terribly wrong with the offense, which was shocking and disappointing considering the team had been ranked...
Not just playcalling, but the gameplan , I presume "watered down", was a failure in terms of having no alternatives. It was painful to see the...
I disagree with Mile's quasi disciplinary action on Lee; if Lee cannot play for disciplinary reasons, then fine, keep him out of the game for...
I had mentioned it in previous posts; Les put too many eggs in one basket, and place his bets on JJ, while depriving Lee of meaningful preparation.
He has been frowning a lot this game; bad sign:angryfire He deserves the bench immediately!
The final chapter has yet to be written for Lee, and, hopefully , a good one:thumb:
This team's focus and determination is just special:LSU231: