The thing is, IMO, LF is good, but he doesn't have the wiggle I envisioned him having. Gurley and Kamara have power and game breaking speed, but...
I think the doubts were on the O Line. In college, you don't have to have spectacular talent to be an effective RB if you have a dominant O Line....
Put me on the side of who cares. It wins you nothing. Auburn and Miami are nowhere near top 10 teams. They were severely overrated when we beat...
I think LF is gonna end up being a very good pro, but I have to say, I thought that he was the 2nd coming of ADP when he was at LSU and...he's...
I think Florida and LSU are the exact same team statistically so I'm not so sure we were the "better team", but people always seem to say that...
I've said on here that I think LSU will never win a championship with Ed Orgeron as their coach. I thought they would beat Miami and lose to...
Yeah good luck with that. Tua is an alien. Nobody is invincible, but we are gonna have to score to beat them this year. We won't hold them to...
LSU gutted it out more than played really well on offense. Anybody can see that. However, there is something to gutting it out. Shows some...
Watching their passing offense and comparing it to comparison. Now, Burrow is still new so I'm sure improvements will be made, but Tua...
It was a good call...people disputing that call are the ultimate in purple and gold glasses....
The polls are meaningless now. For entertainment purposes only. If you win the SEC, you are in the playoff. Period.
Well, that depends on whether or not they live up to the expectations next are out of excuses at that point. As far as this year, I...
I don't think so, but I thought they would lose on Saturday and they didn't, so now is not the time to say that. I think you have to beat Bama to...
Great win!!! I didn't think they would win this one, but Burrow has some moxie. Not easy to do to win in that environment when most of the day...
It was a great win!!! Burrow has guts. He was really stinking it up, but when it counted the most, he made the throws....
Both teams have some questions on the offensive line, but Auburn has been far more productive on offense than LSU. Plus the game's being played...
Geaux Tigers (if you can't beat 'em, join 'em)
And you are correct. If we win every game by 2 points, it would be fine. Nobody is saying it's not good to win. We are looking at LSU play a...
And how don't you understand that the fact that we haven't played any SEC defenses yet makes our ineffectiveness on offense all the more...
We are last in the SEC in offense. Those that don't think that's a problem, I'm not sure what to say.